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Results for "keyword: "progress""
Far Country Reasons why Red River is the greatest of all epic Westerns.
Speed Stephanie Brown on how we got to the point where we assumed anything worth doing had to be done fast.
1619 1619 as a challenging year in Jamestown
Unlikely Partners An accessible and insightful portrait of economic wonders being wrought in China.
The Complacent Class An assessment of American society as stagnated and in need of major change.
A God That Could Be Real An atheist's thoughts on the moral shift required to deal with the problem of climate change.
New Winifred Gallagher on how the quest for novelty and change has led many into addiction.
The Gifted Generation An overview of how the U.S. government responded to the Baby Boomers.
Dancing with Fire John Amodeo on being open to life as it happens.
The Next Eco-Warriors Inspiring and enlightening stories of 22 young women and men from around the world who are trying to save the planet.